My Blog

Spring – Summer 2016

Written by Teresa Burns Gunther

Teresa is an award-winning author whose fiction and nonfiction have been published widely in US and international literary journals and anthologies. Her work has been recognized in many contests and recently awarded the 52nd New Millennium Award for Fiction, 2022.


Just a quick reminder that 6-week Tuesday evening and Thursday morning (Thursday is Women Only) workshops begin next week. Be in touch if you haven’t yet grabbed your spot! There are just a few left. 

I’ve been hunkered down writing, when I haven’t been traveling: writing retreat with Bread Loaf buddies in Atlanta, AWP in LA, and just finishing up a writing intensive to finalize my story collection.  I’m looking forward to jumping back into writing new material in workshop with Lakeshore Writers!

A DIY writing retreat is a more low cost way to get that writer-community-energy we so often crave. I met with my amazing writing buddies that I met at Bread Loaf Sicily. We eat got our own rooms, wrote all day, read each others work and met each night to get literary and party! I came home inspired and feeling very supported. Some writers can work completely in a vacuum–I’ve never met one but I’ve heard they exist. The rest of us need each other. How often have you felt the need to share your work, a problem with a story, or just sit and talk writing with someone who gets it?   It’s important to make the time for this, it’s a part of your writing job.  Make a writing date, meet a friend for coffee and write together, you might read a bit of your work to each other, or simply take a walk and talk about your work or the best thing you read recently. Sometimes the act of explaining what your story or novel/memoir is about helps reveal details and turns you weren’t aware of. It can also help you recognize gaps in the story line or character motivations. And sharing works that you found powerful, dissecting them with another writer is a great craft exercise.

Technology is not always my friend. A computer glitch at my office prevents phone messages from making it all the way from my buildings front desk up to my office. The historic Bellevue Club building has issues. If you need call, dial 510.451.1000, type in 132 as soon as the operator answers and you can leave a message that I can retrieve. I’m hoping to get this corrected someday, but repairs move slowly in an historic building. You can always email me at: teresa [at] lakeshorewriters [dot] net with your number and I’ll be happy to give you a call.

To share your news of publications, great reads, or events, drop me a line! I love to hear what you’re up to.

I look forward to hearing from you! 
Be well, and keep the pen moving