My Blog
Book Lust List for 2025
I just reread The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in preparation for reading James by Percival Everett. Also reread The Boys of My Youth by Jo Ann Beard: A funny, moving collection of stories. That woman makes magic with words. The kind of writing that...
The Creative Life Fall 2023
We find ourselves in unprecedented times with daunting challenges. I hear so many creatives complain of a dullness, of doubt, of waning motivation under the weight of all the trouble in the world. This morning, after an unproductive hour at my desk, I made the mistake...
Ideas for waking up your Muse
October 2022 The creative life We all get stuck, blocked. Usually because we've opened the door to doubt. Many of us wrestle with the challenges that our current tumultuous time imposes on our creative process. If you find yourself stuck, easily distracted, here's...
September, 2021
I hear from so many of you about your struggles around writing under the weight of the world in this moment of conflict, confusion, Covid, and false narratives. Life is challenging enough without this moment adding gravity to every decision, action, and intention....
Yet Again • • •
Summer 2020 “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde Yet again ...
Writing in Corona Virus Time
“Writing is the crack through which you can crawl into a bigger world, into your wild mind.” ~Natalie Goldberg, author of Wild Mind Dear cherished writers, fellow word wranglers on the journey, What a wild moment to be alive! Never before have I felt the world so...
Writing in a troubled time of shutdown
The cold and brutal murder of George Lloyd, a president tweeting hate, a lurking coronavirus, anarchists polluting peaceful protests, have pulled the rug out from under all of us. I met Amy Cooper, a one woman lesson on the exploitation of racism, in what I read as a...
It’s time to party…
We've survived power outages, earthquakes, devil winds, fire, smoke-filled air, and the violence of news--for the time being! I'm grateful for our writer's coping gifts: books, fictional worlds, moving essays, poetry, pen, paper, computers,...
Spring 2019
You've donated an hour of sleep to ensure winter's departure, and the atmospheric rivers have left you with sunshine and a world brimming with flowers and green vistas, what more perfect time than now to spring into your writing practice and pursue your writing...
Oakland Magazine: Write Like a Pro
"Some students benefit from one-on-one or small-group instruction, perhaps like that offered by Teresa Burns Gunther and her Lakeshore Writers. Gunther’s workshops provide writers a chance to work in-depth on manuscripts in progress – fiction and memoir, novel, and...
New Years 2018
Dear Teresa,I recently returned from a writing residency at the Vermont Studio Center, where I wrote like crazy in a fall, bountiful in the colors of change, into winter's first snow that dressed the encircling mountains in white. At VSC, I felt...
Blog 12/2018
I recently returned from a writing residency at the Vermont Studio Center, where I wrote like crazy in a fall painted all the colors of change and into winter's first snow that dressed the encircling mountains in white. At VSC, I felt alive, far from the news of the...